
by Encke Technologies

Maps & Navigation


RutaYa! uses intelligent routing to find the best way to visit all the routes programmed for a specific device in a specific order. You can pre-define zones and then add a route to that location, the device with the specified user is automatically selected. No more confusion based on archaic directions. The world has been revolutionized increasingly greater timing accuracy. RutaYa! It is the most recent and innovative tool to control and expedite the time routes.Benefits Get RutaYA- Adding LocationsUsers can add new locations using the GPS device and send them to the system.Code -EscaneoTool to scan bar codes or QR codes and save them in the system.Fast -GPSIt enables quick sending the GPS data to the server, allowing the device to save energy.-Print ReceiptsPrint receipts from the application to a wireless printer through bluetooth.- Sending PhotosIf you need to take pictures with this tool you can do it and upload them to the system server.- Adding RoutesWith this tool users can add their own routes using the system locations.- Speed ​​AlertsReceive alerts excess speed limit users in the system map.- InterceptorFind other users and stop them to withdraw cash on hand and avoid a possible assault to their employees.- Cash on RouteAdds paths to collect the amount of cash on hand and the ability to be intercepted.Like all great innovations, RutaYa grew from a need to control efficiently, devices and re-route programs in the field. The question of all businesses is how to make them more efficient and productive. It makes sense that the intelligent routing and effective monitoring is the best way to optimize our mobile forces!